5 Additional benefits an Interior Designer could add to your project

As a property developer, it’s important that each and every project that you work on is successful.

A lot of time, effort, and money go into a housing project and if you don’t end up making a profit when it comes to selling or renting, it could have big knock-on effects for your whole business.

If you want to ensure that your project runs smoothly, one of the best investments you can make is in a professional interior designer.

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Bedroom 05 @ Marashlynne

Many property developers may think that interior design is one of the last things to think about but in fact, it should be one of the biggest priorities. A well-designed house can result in a huge range of benefits, both for you as a property developer, and your residents.

If you need more convincing about their importance, here are five additional benefits that an interior designer can add to your next project.

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Bedroom 03 @ Marashlynne

Vintage and Sustainability

Sustainability should start to inhabit all aspects of our lives and be integrated into all interior design decisions. 

With the world trying to change to a more sustainable future, what better time to walk down to your local vintage furniture store and find a one-off, unique antique to really get your tenants talking. After all, one man's trash is an interior designer's treasure! 

Second-hand shopping can be fun as you can find an array of eclectic one-offs that can be mixed and matched into different areas of your property. So when you’re checking out modern furniture to decorate your latest project, think, “Can I find something similar second-hand?”

If the answer to the question is yes, do some research and keep your eyes peeled in charity shops and you should quickly be able to source the perfect vintage mirror or unique lampshade.

We know that, as property developers, we can be held back on design decisions when it comes to regulations on furniture. But even if you can add just a few vintage pieces to your next project, it could make all the difference.

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1. Increases your return on investment

One of the main reasons why so many property developers choose to bring an interior designer into their team is because of the significant increase in ROI they can bring.

A good interior designer can maximise the potential of any building you’re working on, making it more liveable and aesthetically pleasing. 

Utilising your space in the right way can make any home feel much bigger, which obviously commands a higher rental/sale price at the end of your project.

People also underestimate how much value a good interior can add to your rental price. When people walk into a space and see a stylish, modern space they instantly feel more attracted to it than they would an empty shell of a building. 

It’s all about making the very best impression on potential tenants possible and one of the most effective ways of doing this is through interior design.

It may be an additional investment on top of what you’ve already planned for your budget but it will pay itself back in no time.

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2. Avoid the risk of costly mistakes

No matter if this is your first home renovation or your 100th, you can never be sure when a costly mistake is going to set you back.

Mistakes are more often than not completely unseen, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t avoidable.

Interior designers have a wealth of experience working on projects that vary in size, length and requirements which means they often may have a lot more hands-on project experience than you do.

This experience means that they are quickly able to foresee potential mistakes that could arise and prevent them before they become too much of an issue for your project.

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Bedroom 02 @ Marlea

3. Help you pinpoint your design style

Translating your vision into a physical property can be difficult if you’re not well-experienced in interior design.

You may have created mood boards, started to look through product catalogues and talked to retailers about the products you want, but that doesn’t always guarantee that the finished product is going to look like you imagined it in your head.

When you work with an interior designer, they are there to help you pin down your style, or the style you’re trying to achieve in the space, and find the best way to make it happen.

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4. Takes some of the pressure off you

No matter how much planning you do, any home renovation project can be extremely stressful. As a property developer, it will feel like you have a million different things to do at once so it’s nice to be able to offload some of your work to someone else.

Leaving all the interior design work to the professionals will free up your time on tasks that really need your urgent attention, without having to compromise on the quality of the finished project.

Your interior designer can simplify the whole process, order all the furniture you need, and keep track of the budget so that all you have to worry about is the big decisions and signing off their work.

This is a much more efficient way to work on your next home project and helps to keep the whole process fun and exciting for everyone involved.

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5. Benefit from their experience

The final additional benefit that interior designers can add to your project is gaining access to their wide range of experience.

Your interior designer will not only have an in-depth knowledge of all things interior design, but they can also connect you with other trusted tradespeople and help with all aspects of the project.

They can get your trade-only furniture, fabric, and accessories that come at a discount and know all the secret tricks of the trade that you would never have had access to without them.

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Bedroom 04 @Marlea

Choose Mardesign for your next property development project

If this article has convinced you that hiring an interior designer is essential to the success of your next project, we’d love to hear from you. At Mardesign, we have a huge wealth of experience working on a range of interior design projects. 

Using our creative and innovative approach to interior design, we’ve been able to help our clients secure high rental prices, maximise their return on investment, and make better use of their time on-site.

Learn more about how we do things and book yourself in for a free discovery call where you can figure out if we’re the right fit for you.

Get in touch with Mardesign today.

Check out what investors say.

“Raquel helped us maximize the internal layout of our 5 bed HMO with some very creative solutions. I'd recommend Mardesign to anyone who wants to take their properties to another level.”

— Justin Lai. JCL Property

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